Performing quality assurance services for a ground-breaking, online, video game platform for a major media conglomerate.

Written by Luis Paradela|Posted on July 9, 2020

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As an effort to expand into the gaming world, the client, a multinational media corporation, developed a state-of-the-art, gaming streaming service. The client contracted AccelOne to perform complete quality assurance analysis for the client application to ensure that the product was performing optimally for their product launch. After a successful project initiation, the client further extended the contract, asking AccelOne to perform QA analysis for the website as well.


The video game platform is a one-of-a-kind online platform that provides instant access to over 50 video games with a monthly subscription. Upon its initial launch, it is available to audiences in Argentina and Chile, with plans to expand further in the future. The platform enables gamers to access numerous top-rated video games for only a small monthly fee. Instead of investing in a new console or computer, all that is needed is an internet connection. The platform uses only 20Mb (mega bauds per second) from the internet and does not require a big processor or a long installation process because all the game graphics are rendered in servers and delivered as a video streaming in real-time. Additionally, the wide variety of games available in the catalog continues to grow, giving each gamer access to new and diverse games.


The client asked AccelOne to conduct a complete suite of quality assurance analysis testing for the platform. Using black box and performance testing, we thoroughly tested the client app, including every video game and the website. At times, the client asked AccelOne to test games in only a few hours before a rapid launch. Each time, AccelOne delivered, preparing the product fully, even in the limited time.


As attention to detail was of great importance, AccelOne’s QA team formed an extensive plan for testing the platform before beginning. For the client app, the team used a lengthy checklist to test each individual game manually in Windows and Mac to ensure every bug was identified. For the website, the team performed test cases, cross-browser and mobile responsive testing.

Clear and constant communication between the customer, the developers, and our QA specialists was our priority. Thus, we used two platforms for organization and accountability purposes.

  1. Zendesk: A bug tractor platform—for registering bugs in the client app and notifying developers.
  2. JIRA: A test case management tool—for managing tasks, reporting findings, logging hours, and communicating with developers.


For the project, AccelOne formed a team consisting of a senior QA analyst and three QA testers. The senior QA analyst served as the project leader, supervising the project, managing the timeline, and communicating with the client. The three QA testers executed the checklist testing, examined test cases, registered all bugs, and notified the developers. After the team was formed, the extensive testing process began. First, each video game in the client application was tested according to the checklist below.​​

  • Wording — titles, descriptions, and buttons
  • Language — languages, translator and captions
  • Executing Game — works from catalog and search box
  • Loading Time — around 10 seconds, 20 seconds maximum
  • Navigation — mouse, keyboard, and joystick work for all
  • Audio — no interruptions and noise level works proportionally
  • Fluidity — no stops and starts
  • Menu Overlay — all functions work, key shows which buttons correlate to which functions, and navigation mechanism works
  • Playability — no lag and easy to play
  • Multiplayer — all functions work with multiple players
  • Saving Game — game saves and returns to the same place
  • Exiting — no problems quitting the game
  • Related Content — similar game suggestions appear upon exiting the game
  • Branding — the platform brand only
  • +More

Once a bug was discovered, the QA tester registered it in Zendesk and notified the developers, then after the developers fixed the bug, testing was repeated. This cycle was performed countless times by our QA team to ensure the product was bug-free.

The testing process for the website was very similar. Test cases were designed and executed by the team. The evidence from each, including all bugs, was registered on JIRA and was used to fix and improve the website. The same cycle of running tests, finding bugs, fixing bugs, and repeating the tests was used for website testing.

Many bugs were identified throughout the testing process. The most frequent bugs found in the client application were problems starting the video games, saving the games, and loading time issues. With the website, the biggest problem was the integration with the payment solution. AccelOne addressed all of these issues appropriately, freeing the platform of these setbacks.

The entire time, AccelOne maintained constant communication with the customer and the developers. Every day, our QA team had a morning meeting with the developers to discuss current challenges, review the prior day’s work, and go over the current day’s plan. Additionally, AccelOne sent detailed monthly reports to the client, updating them on the progress. The reports included evidence of the findings and information about time spent on each task.


The project began in August 2017 with testing the client app. In April 2018, the app was launched to audiences in Argentina and Chile. Since then, the platform has offered free one month trials to interested customers. In April, the client asked AccelOne to provide quality assurance services for the website, which will be launched in July 2018. Following the launch, AccelOne will provide continued support and testing. As new features are developed, such as incorporating personal profiles and parental content controls, AccelOne will perform QA services for them before they launch. Overall, the client has been very pleased with AccelOne’s communication, transparency, and efficiency. Our specialists’ detailed testing identified many serious bugs and spearheaded the deployment of the platform, free of critical issues.

Luis Paradela

Luis Paradela

Chief Development Officer


Buenos Aires

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