Enhancing Legal Accessibility: AccelOne's Seamless Checkout Solution

AccelOne improves user experience, increases conversion rates, and bolsters sales for the client's independent sales associates.

Written by Scott Craig|Posted on December 6, 2023

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Business Requirement:

The client aimed to make legal services affordable and accessible, but their outdated checkout system hindered user experience and sales. Specific business needs included cart retention, integration with multiple sales channels, and better customer-sales associate matching.

Business Solution:

AccelOne developed a cart/checkout process integrated with all of the client's channels, improving user journeys, retaining carts across multiple sites, and seamlessly matching customers with sales associates.

The Challenge

The existing system couldn’t scale to integrate multiple features across websites. Additionally, the outdated UI led to high cart abandonment rates, and there was no follow-up mechanism for incomplete transactions.

Some of the main challenges were:

  • Maintaining the state of the cart for a specified time.
  • The ability to connect sales associates with new customers.
  • The functionality to export cart contents to any of their other sales channels.

The client needed a way to improve their online sales closing ratio by improving the user journey and matching customers with the right services.

Technical Solution:

AccelOne was tasked with developing a new generic cart/checkout process that integrated with all of the client's channels. This purchase platform would have to handle all the required functionalities needed to address customer expectations and provide a seamless experience.

The new solution involved frontend development using Angular and Typescript, with API integration via Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and Redis. AccelOne followed a GitFlow-based workflow for strict version control and quality assurance through CI/CD pipelines using Codeship.


AccelOne adopted an agile Scrum methodology, divided the project into sprints, and focused on UI/UX improvements to streamline the user journey. The team integrated closely with the client’s tech team and adhered to their robust GitFlow process.

The client's tech team manages their source code repository via an extremely robust and secure variation of the Gitflow workflow. AccelOne’s team adopted this workflow and followed all of the client's procedures during the project.

AccelOne’s role in engineering and development spanned front end and back end programming with deployment orchestration. The team worked under an agile Scrum methodology, in which work is broken down into sprints (specific set time frames for goals to be completed). Development activities were monitored by a visual Kanban board for improved efficiency, collaboration, productivity, and flexibility throughout the project.


The revamped checkout process led to an increase in conversion rates, reduced cart abandonment, and an improved user experience. The client can track and follow up on incomplete transactions across multiple channels, boosting sales for their independent associates.

AccelOne’s comprehensive solution revitalized the client's checkout process, enhancing user satisfaction, increasing sales, and setting up the client for scalable growth.

Scott Craig

Scott Craig



Kirkland, WA, USA

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