Flutter vs. React Native: Which is Better?

Written by Luis Paradela|Posted on December 19, 2022

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Smartphones have become the primary way most people engage with the internet, whether it’s for social media, shopping, entertainment, or business purposes. But the mobile software market is split between two competing platforms: iOS and Android. If you’re planning to create a new mobile app for your services, you can choose between native and cross-platform development. Choosing the latter is highly recommended, and considering hiring developers with expertise in Flutter to undertake the project.

Native vs cross-platform development: what’s the difference?

Native refers to an app developed specifically for one platform, e.g., iOS or Android. Each platform has its own SDK, which uses different programming languages. Android uses Java and Kotlin, whereas iOS native apps are built with Swift and Objective-C for iOS. A native app only works on the particular platform it was developed for. If you only care about one mobile platform, this is a straightforward choice.

On the other hand, cross-platform applications work on multiple platforms. If you wish to reach the widest portion of the market, this method saves both time and money compared to developing multiple native apps. The best way to determine which framework to use for any development project is to consult a professional software development agency.

Why choose Flutter over React Native?

Flutter and React Native are both popular frameworks for developing cross-platform apps. React Native is a JavaScript-based framework created by Meta, and is noted for its ease of use.

Flutter is a free and open-source framework based on the Dart coding language. It has several advantages compared to React Native, the first being that apps created using Flutter takes up very little storage space and typically perform even faster. Flutter also has many built-in widgets that let you test and check the effects of your code in real time. It excels in the development of the UI (user interface), which is key to engaging the end user with your product.

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Luis Paradela

Luis Paradela

Chief Development Officer


Buenos Aires

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